Tag Archives: IRA rollover

60 Day Rollover Rule

Many people who want to save for their future opt to open an Individual Retirement Account, or IRA, which allows them to make contributions that will be invested in various types of investments which the IRA owner chooses. Just like any other type of investment accounts, there are several IRA rules and regulations which need to be followed in order to get the most benefit from one’s retirement account. These rules may vary from one type of IRA plan to another.

IRA Rollover Rules

IRA, or Individual Retirement Account, is a type of retirement savings fund which employed individuals and their spouses are allowed to make contributions into. The Traditional and Roth IRAs are the most popular IRA plans available. The IRS, or Internal Revenue Services, has established different rules and regulations for each of these IRA plans.

Before you start your IRA rollover, it’s important the make sure you are within the current IRA rules and regulations to help you avoid any unnecessary fees and penalties that may occur.

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